Our Services

Psychological services

Therapeutic intervention: every child is precious to their loving families but sometimes it is apparent early on, but certainly by school age, that something does not seem right. Studies suggest that the earlier the interventions for developmental disorders/ delays occur the better the outcome for their learning and future independence.
Therapy and assessment of children and adolescents require specific skills, training, and experience. NAAPS psychologists and therapists are trained in working with children from earliest age through the college years.

We offer:

Group work: with pupils who may be experiencing challenges in managing some of the demands of school and their relationships with peers and/or staff; NAAPS undertakes series of sessions to help pupils to develop better ways of managing situations that they find challenging in school.

Drop-in service: for pupils in secondary schools who wish to discuss concerns about any aspect of life in school in a confidential one-to-one setting. NAAPS work with schools and organisations to set out a plan for developing school-based counselling services for children and young people. We provide career counsel, study skills and examination technique.

Transition planning: involves working with parents/carers, teachers and staff [and where appropriate, pupils themselves] to support pupils with significant levels of need who may experience difficulties in adapting to the demands of new school or educational setting. This can include transition from school stages for foreign students coming for schooling in Nigeria as well as pupils undergoing a managed move or transfer to a new school or settling following a permanent exclusion.

Programmes to improve pupils’ learning skills and attainments: involve the design of evidence-based interventions tailored to each school’s needs. These aim to equip teachers and support staff with the knowledge and strategies to implement programmes of activities with targeted groups of pupils. The programme will typically include pre and post intervention assessment, staff training, planning and design of intervention, supervision for staff implementing the intervention and evaluation. We operate a referral base service.

We provide specialised interventions on a range of issues relating to:

  • Autism and developmental disorders.
  • ADD, ADHD related disorders.
  • Anxiety disorder, attention, and concentration.
  • Cognitive behaviour therapy for anxiety, depression, PTSD, bereavement, emotional and sexually abused, alcohol and drug related issues.
  • Learning challenges, dyslexia, dyspraxia, dyscalculia etc.
  • Memory and engagement with the school curriculum.
  • School refusal and home sickness at boarding school.
  • Social skills training and anger management.
  • Toileting issues, bedwetting etc.